person holding a book about cabin construction

Why two fundraisers?

Our first fundraiser allowed us to make this incredible experience possible. We were able to make large purchases and plan with financial security for the first two months. Among other things, here is what we used the money from the first fundraiser for:

  • Framing and flooring for the two largest cabins
  • A bunch of yummy food
  • Treehouse building materials
  • Five solar panels and a solar panel controller
  • Arduinos, hardware, sensors

While we could finish up our building projects really sparsely, we hope to receive some additional support to realize the following dreams:

  • Finishing octagon and accessibility cabin through wall and insulation and furniture materials
  • Food for the next 3 months (approx 250 a week)
  • Materials for Tiny House
  • Wood stoves! To keep our buildings warm
  • Paint and art supplies
  • Materials for human biogas generator
  • Soaps, cleaning, and living supplies
  • Financial support for student' personal projects